
What’s For Dinner: Homemade Chicken Nuggets

One of the most comforting food for me are chicken nuggets.

And I love making mine homemade.

Here’s how I make mine:

Mix the following seasonings: salt, pepper, garlic, ginger, paprika, and cayenne pepper. I use this seasoning as a basis for pretty much everything. And I mean everything.

Those seasonings you just mixed? Sprinkle some of that mixture with flour and mix well. My tip?  Do this part in a Ziploc resealable bag. Not only is it an easy cleanup at the end, but the coating you get this way is just perfect.

Take boneless chicken pieces (cubes or tenders… whichever you prefer) and mix the above seasoning mixture into this. Add whisked eggs. Make sure everything is combined well.

Put some pieces of chicken into the Ziploc bag with the flour mixture. Seal well, and shake the bag to help coat the chicken. Do this in batches, depending on the amount of chicken you are using.

Fry the chicken, and enjoy! Another tip? Make sure the oil is heated through completely before starting to fry to make sure your chicken isn’t oily, but instead crispy and moist the way you want it.

Check out other things I’ve made recently:
Grilled Chicken Pita Pockets
Tilapia (two different ways)

Like my recipes? Click the below link to purchase my cookbook “What’s for Dinner”:

P.S. This post is a part of my “What’s for Dinner” series, where I share what I’ve been cooking and my recipes.

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